2013ChinaFit中国健身大会导师 Wayne Seeto

06月25日  |  阅读 2787

Wayne Seeto


    Wayne Seeto(伟恩.希图)是曼丽丘健康与健身™公司(MH&F)8位大师级导师之一,是STOTT PILATES®(斯多特普拉提™)品牌、斯多特普拉提康复项目及全新禅•.迦ZEN•GA™ 品牌的核心代表成员和传授导师。Wayne在曼丽丘健康与健身™公司(MH&F)多伦多全球培训中心任职超过10年,是普拉提物理治疗界业界公认的领军人物。这位有着超能量的土生土长的澳大利亚人在澳洲昆士兰大学获得其职业治疗学学士学位, 在加拿大麦克马斯特大学物理治疗学获得硕士学位. Wayne常年代表曼丽丘健康与健身™公司(MH&F)参加北美和欧洲的各类研讨会和在行业贸易活动并担任讲师,并在一些全新版本的MH&FDVD教材中演示.

Wayne Seeto is a Merrithew Health & Fitness™ (MH&F) Master Instructor Trainer and an integral member of the internal programming/education and presenting team specializing in STOTT PILATES®, STOTT PILATES Rehab and ZEN•GA™ Mindful Movement brands.  Wayne has been based at the MH&F Corporate Training Center in Toronto for 10 years and is a recognized leader in his field.   This high-energy Australian native received his Bachelor of Occupational Therapy from the University of Queensland, Australia and his Masters of Science (Physiotherapy) at McMaster University, Canada.  Wayne has presented on behalf of Merrithew Health & Fitness throughout North America and Europe at their Symposiums and industry trade events, and is featured in several of MH&F s new DVD releases.

2. 《Halo训练器核心训练课程》






