Patrick Creelman 三日强化教师培训大师工作坊

10月12日  |  阅读 4827

    金秋十月,优胜美地瑜伽院诚邀国际知名重量级瑜伽导师,香港Pure Yoga创始人Patrick Creelman,为您倾力呈现其国内首次以强化教学法为主题的三日密集教培。短短三日的课程中巧妙地融入了Patrick广受国内外好评的教学法精髓,为注重效率的您迅速提升教学技巧,更好地帮助您的学生。优胜美地携 Patrick老师一同,诚邀您的加入!
In the golden fall of October, renown international yoga teacher, Patrick Creelman, founder of Pure Yoga HK, will come to YogaSummit and present you with his first special 3 day teacher intensive on teaching methodology in China. The three-day program skillfully integrates his widely acknowledged teaching techniques and is designed for yoga teachers to upgrade their teaching skills with high efficiency and serve their students better. YogaSummit, together with Patrick Creelman, awaits your participation!

Patrick Creelman

作为香港Pure Yoga的创始人和Anusarad最高级的认证瑜伽导师,Patrick在亚洲瑜伽圈中一直持续地扮演者中流砥柱的角色。
从2002年离开身处山地的家乡瑜伽馆——Whistler的 NeoAlpine Yoga并来到香港开创了Pure Yoga后,Patrick已经教授了近千名学生并培训了来自世界各地的近百位瑜伽教师。在朋友,学生和的恩典与指引中,在与当今世界最顶级瑜伽大师的邂逅中,尤其是在他的老师John Friend的引下,Patrick已经成为了亚洲最受追捧的瑜伽导师之一。
As Pure Yoga’s founding teacher and an Anusara Certified Teacher, Patrick has been and continues to be a pillar in the Yoga community throughout Asia.
After leaving his mountain home yoga studio NeoAlpine Yoga in Whistler to open Pure Yoga in Hong Kong in 2002, Patrick has taught 1000’s of students and helped train 100’s of Yoga Teachers from around the world.
It has been through the grace and guidance of many people - friends, students and his encounters with some of the world’s most experienced teachers, most clearly his teacher John Friend, which has helped Patrick become one of the most sought after Yoga Teachers in Asia.

Rinat Perlman

Rinat从2003年开始学习瑜伽,从2006年开始在香港最顶尖的瑜伽馆Pure Yoga授课至今。她对于瑜伽练习投入且热情,从多方位的经验和洞见进行教学,已经成为香港瑜伽圈中的一名领袖人物。
Rinat在世界各地旅行,学习并辅助她的老师Patrick Creelman进行教学,对这样祝福和机遇,她心怀感恩。

Rinat has been a student of yoga since 2003 and been teaching Yoga since 2006 in the leading Pure Yoga studio in Hong Kong. Dedicated and passionate about her practice and teaching from a diversity of experiences and insights, she has become a leader within the Hong Kong Yoga community.
Rinat’s style of teaching is challenging and playful, offering students a shifting, uplifting experience, shedding light on how to live a yogic life while maintaining a full life with family and business all wrapped up in one radiant experience - which is a key learning.
Rinat feels grateful to have been blessed with opportunities to travel the world, studying and assisting her teacher, Patrick Creelman.


10月25日(周四)18:30 – 20:30



Thursday October 25th – 18:30 – 20:30

[Dharma Talk] – The Business of Yoga
Teaching yoga as a career – the life of a yoga teacher, practice, studies, travelling, finance, owning a studio - Yoga and business. Lecture will include Question and Answer period for the audience to pose concerns questions or issues they face with their communities and their studios.
(Free for those who participate fully the 3 day program and three-year members, 50 RMB for other members, 80 RMB for non-members)

10月26日(周五) – 10月28日(周日)
09:00 - 12:00 – 晨间练习
12:00 - 14:00 – 午休
14:00 - 17:00 – 午后课程(教学法)
Friday October 26 - Sunday,October 28
[Daily schedule]
09:00 - 12:00 - practice
12:00 - 14:00 - break
14:00 - 17:00 - afternoon session (Teaching Techniques)
The program will offer teachers tools and knowledge to improve and deepen their yoga practice and teaching skills.

• 授我所知——探索瑜伽教师生活的内在疆域。作为一名瑜伽教师,我们获得的一切内在的知识都将服务于我们的学生
• 作为教师和学生的瑜伽练习原则
• 教学指令——从基础到充满能量的流动——如何指引不同级别的学生触摸到最高的潜能
• 体式示范——示范的分类,时机和在瑜伽课上如何效使用示范。把握最佳时机,在课堂中高效地运用各类示范。
• 调整技法——语言与双手的调整。引入并练习安全渐进的体式调整技法。
• 辅助技法——在一堂瑜伽课中,体式辅助对于师生的同等重要性以及辅助的基本原则
• 序列编排——如何创编并教授面对初学者/中级学员/高级学员的序列。
•We teach who we are – Exploring the inner landscape of the yoga teacher’s life. Whatever self-knowledge we attain as teachers, it will serve our students.
• The Discipline of the Yoga Practice as a teacher and a student.
• Instructions - from basic form to energy flow - How to instruct students in all levels to reach their highest potential.
• Demonstrations - types of demonstrations, timing and effectiveness of using demonstrations during a yoga class. timing how to effectively use different types of demonstrations during a yoga
• Adjustments - Verbal and hands on adjustments. Introducing and practicing techniques for safe and progressive adjustments.
• Assisting - what is the importance of assisting in a yoga class for teachers and students and basic guidelines for assisting.
• Sequencing skills - how to build and teach a set sequence to be used for beginners/intermediate/advanced students

2800 RMB for all sessions
Early Birds who pay one month in advance: 2400 RMB for individuals, 2200 RMB for groups of three, 2000 RMB for YogaSummit three year members
Single Day: 1000 RMB

Joint certification by Patrick Creelman and YogaSummit


No.5 Park Studio:010-65996750/51
