
07月26日  |  阅读 10110

(“健身行业的瑜伽”)是由贝丝(Beth Shaw)在1994年创立的。她自1989年起练习瑜伽,并获取了一些认证,贝丝开始在洛杉矶的健身俱乐部教学。她很快就发现,传统的认证教授了很多关于瑜伽的历史和理念,但并没有解决在健身俱乐部教授瑜伽的挑战:过份明亮的灯光,冰冷的教室,体型和柔勒性的差异。使她创造了一套有自己的风格, 螎合了健身与传统瑜伽动作的流桯。为了使用者方便,她去除了梵文名称和避免传统瑜伽练习的诵经。 YogaFit®诞生了;贝丝课程都爆满了。

The YogaFit® Story:
YogaFit® (“Yoga for the Fitness Industry”™) was developed in 1994 by Beth Shaw. After practicing yoga since 1989 and taking several certifications, Beth began teaching at fitness clubs in Los Angeles. She soon discovered that while traditional certifications taught a lot about the history and philosophy of yoga, they did not address the challenges of teaching yoga in a health club: bright lights, cold rooms, bodies of all types and flexibility levels. She created her own style that combined fitness moves such as push-ups, sit-ups and squats with traditional yoga postures linked together in a flowing format. To make practice more “user-friendly,” she eliminated Sanskrit names of postures and avoided the ohming and chanting sometimes associated with traditional yoga practices. YogaFit® was born, and Beth’s classes were packed!

在1996年,贝丝开始为杂志撰写关于瑜伽带到健身行业的文章。以换取自我宣传的机会,贝丝的文章出现在“homemade”上,并得到了250个反应。从这些反应,YogaFit®成立了并在法戈,钕举行了第一次训练,训练了从四个不同YMCA的26个健身教练。 YogaFit®培训计划诞生了。专门设计为健身俱乐部,健身设施或其他练习团体的地点作对象,YogaFit®在现有的团体训练加以补充,从而提高所有活动中的表现。公司和培训计划已经扩大,现拥有国际知名YogaFit®风格的节目和专业健身训练。 YogaFit®的老师培训有第一,二,三,四,五级和专业性。 亦提供200小时,300小时和500小时的RYT方案。

YogaFit® Training Systems
In 1996, Beth started writing articles for trade magazines about bringing yoga to the fitness industry. In trade for a “homemade” ad, Beth s article appeared in Recreation Resources Magazine and got 250 responses. From those responses, YogaFit® incorporated and produced their first training in Fargo, ND, and trained 26 fitness instructors from four different YMCA’s. The YogaFit® Training Program was born. Specifically designed for presentation in health clubs, fitness facilities or other group exercise locations, YogaFit® allows a facility to offer a complement to existing group exercise programming, which improves performance in all activities.The company and training program have expanded and now feature internationally renowned programs for training fitness professionals in the YogaFit® style. YogaFit® has Teacher Trainings Level One, Two, Three, Four and Five in addition to specialties. YogaFit® offers a 200-hour,300-hour, and 500-hour RYT program.

YogaFit®旨在改善健康,表现和运动员的精神视力或个人兴趣,改善他们的健康水平。在哈达瑜伽的古老健身科学的基础上,它揉合了平衡,力量,柔韧性和爆发力的健身方式。 YogaFit®克服瑜伽之谜,在个人健身的任何级别里,提供一种实用的、容易使用的、可理解的、和可行的运动。 YogaFit®风格可减低受伤的风险,和增强了疾病后的康复,包括压力,腰背痛和紧张。训练人员都备有资深教授瑜伽、解剖和健身的経验和技术,YogaFit®是唯一美国国家认可的持续教育与ACE的伙伴,从1997开始是IHRSA的成员。它也是国际健身俱乐部(NYSC WCS BCS PSC)唯一认可的瑜伽教学。YogaFit®现拥有50个国家培训员,在美国和国际性 YogaFit®已训练超过20万名的健身专业人员和导师。

 The YogaFit® Style
YogaFit® is designed to improve the health, performance, and mental acuity of athletes or individuals interested in improving their level of fitness. Based on the ancient fitness science of hatha yoga, it blends balance, strength, flexibility and power in a fitness format. YogaFit® overcomes the mystery of yoga by delivering a practical, user-friendly style, which is accessible, understandable, and doable by individuals at any level of fitness. The YogaFit® style reduces the risk of injury and augments recovery for ailments including stress, lower back pain and tension.
Taught by YogaFit®-trained staff with in-depth experience and skills in yoga, anatomy and fitness, the YogaFit® method is the only nationally recognized continuing education partner for ACE, and has been a member of IHRSA since 1997. It is also the only yoga instruction recognized by Town Sports International (NYSC WCS BCS PSC) Fitness Clubs. Team YogaFit® has 50 national trainers, and YogaFit® has trained over 200,000 fitness professionals and instructors at facilities in the U.S. and internationally.


老师培训 Our Teaching Trainings
Welcome to YogaFit®, the only yoga teacher training program formally recognized by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and offering a Yoga Alliance approved, comprehensive 200 and 500 Hour teacher training!

The YogaFit® style tightens and tones the entire body, enhances balance, improves flexibility and builds core strength by combining traditional fitness training, focused breathing and strength building through yoga poses. The result is a mind-body workout that improves health, athletic performance and mental acuity in people of all ages and fitness levels. It truly is yoga for everybody and every body.

培训说明 Training notes
YogaFit® Level 1
此内容丰富的工作坊是在流和运动科学基础中,启发和创造VINYASA瑜伽课程,此外也包括有效及安全地执行,转型及修改传统的瑜伽式子。动态VINYASA流程,流派课程形式;以及透过革命性的语言跟身心灵沟通以演变成现今世界中最流行的BINYASA式样。虽然参与者大都有瑜伽经验(如瑜伽学生及导师,理疗师或健身行业的专才),但首要是具有学习的热忱和出席的意志。第一级包括由在资深Yoga Fit导师带领下于创新及经验性的环境内学习;Yoga Fit第一级视频光盘与ACTIVE VOLUME光盘(只限初次参加者)及训练手册。
YogaFit® has trained thousands of people worldwide. Students will receive a Certificate of Completion which qualifies one to teach YogaFit® style classes once Community Service is complete. Participants in the YogaFit® Community Service program have taught to seniors, children, teens at risk, cancer survivors, HIV patients, handicapped persons, incarcerated individuals and stressed out corporate executives.

 YogaFit®在世界各地已经培训了成千上万的人。第一级学员需要在 服务8小时实践教训,将他们所学到的带给长者,儿童,问题青少年,癌症康复者,艾滋病人,残疾人士,囚犯及处于高压的管理层。YOGAFIT®学员完成社会服务后将收到修业证书,以证明他们拥有YOGAFIT®的教学资格。
This informative workshop gives instructors the tools to create inspiring vinyasa yoga classes that are founded on flow yet grounded in the safety of exercise science. The learning includes physical execution, transitions, and modifications to traditional yoga poses with an emphasis on effectiveness and safety. Dynamic vinyasa sequencing, flowing class formats, and transformative language for communicating the mind/body connection have made this the most popular vinyasa yoga style in the world today. While most attendees have experience as either yoga students, teachers, therapists, or as fitness professionals, there are no prerequisites, only the desire to learn and commitment to attend. Level 1 includes an innovative and experiential learning environment guided by a talented and experienced YogaFit® Master Trainer, a YogaFit® Level 1 DVD and Active Volume 3 CD (first-time participants only), and a comprehensive training manual.

培训免费提供材料 Complimentary Materials:
    YogaFit® Level 1 Manual
    YogaFit® Level 1 DVD
    YogaFit® Active Volume 3 CD

要求携带到培训的教材 Required Materials (please bring to training)
Beth Shaw s, YogaFit® (2nd Ed.)

定价 Pricing
The Early Bird cut-off date is one month PRIOR to the scheduled training date. Late Pricing goes into effect when registering 7 days or less before the training date.

可获分数 Credits
1.5 ACE CEC’s
15 Yoga Alliance CEU’s

领取证书要求 Certification
要领取YogaFit® 第一级的老师证书,YogaFit®要求学员完成8小时的小区服务,将瑜伽的好处带给一些不能经常修习瑜伽的人。
In order to receive the Level 1 Teacher Training Certificate of Completion, YogaFit® requires the Level 1 Trainee to donate 8 hours of practice teaching in a community service setting, bringing the gift of yoga to individuals who would not normally be exposed to yoga on a regular basis.

课程登记 Training Registration Policies
Please read our Terms and Conditions prior to registering for a training.

新学员注意 Attention New Students
如阁下是第一次参与YOGAFIT®导师培训课程,必须在课程开始前阅毕BETH SHAW所著的YOGAFIT®(第二版),此书是巨大的资源,能给你YOGAFIT®的概念。
If you are taking a YogaFit® Teacher Training for the very first time, it is mandatory that you obtain a copy of Beth Shaw s, YogaFit® (2nd Ed.), prior to the training. This text is a tremendous resource to have read prior to the first training taken with YogaFit® and will give you a head start into the program

 YogaFit® Level 2
After building a firm foundation in Level 1 teacher training, YogaFit® s Level 2 training concentrates on communicating the essence of YogaFit® to ourselves and our classes. Trainees spend time developing their transformational language skills through the use of positive affirmations and discovering how to address all types of learners most effectively, as they build a practice of self-awareness and self-acceptance. Trainees will discover the power of positive communication, both internally and externally, and use YogaFit® teaching tools to empower their students.

教义包括 Teachings include
    提高超过20个姿势变化和修改 Breakdown of 20+ poses providing variations and modifications
      头调整的法则 Principles of verbal adjustments
      呼吸技巧 Advanced breathing techniques
      呼吸和瑜伽对健康的好处 Health benefits of breathing and yoga
      沟通技巧 Communication techniques
      情势智商及自我意识 Emotional Intelligence and Awareness
      学习方式 Learning styles
      力量课程格式化 Power-class formatting
      瑜伽理念,八肢及Yamas/ Niyamas介绍 Introduction to yoga philosophy, the Eight Limbs & Yamas/Niyamas

免费教材Complimentary Materials
     YogaFit® Level 2 Manual

要求携带到培训的教材 Required Materials (please bring to training)
The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice, by Deborah Adele

建议教材 Recommended Materials
Please bring a yoga strap with you to this training.请携带瑜伽绳
Growing the Positive Mind, by Dr. William K. Larkin

课程时长 Length
2天半密集的课程(通常是从早上8点 - 下午6点,周六和周日的日期和时间可能会有所不同。)
2.5Day Intense Course (usually from 8am-6pm; times may vary)

定价 Pricing
The Early Bird cut-off date is one month PRIOR to the scheduled training date. Late Pricing goes into effect when registering 7 days or less before the training date.

可获分数 Credits
1.4 ACE CEC’s
14 Yoga Alliance CEU’s

证书 Certificates
A “Certificate of Completion” will be presented at the end of Day 2 of the training.

参加先决条件 Prerequisites
The Level 1 Teacher Training
提交第一级训练DVD(用作完成YogaFit® RYT200小时)。
The Level 1 Training DVD (required for the completion of YogaFit® s RYT 200-hour program).

  加拿大斯迦康体集团(SPARTAN & RAJA WELLNESS GROUP)是一家总部位于加拿大的大型跨国集团企业,专业从事投资和经营康体休闲产业。作为最早进入国内健身行业的外资集团,集团在进入中国市场的 5 年间,发展迅速,旗下拥有了 4 大强势品牌(斯巴顿健身、珞珈瑜伽、斯巴顿KIDS、泳易游泳俱乐部)、以及 12 家直营会所,拥有过万在籍会员,是目前上海规模最大的外资健身品牌。
        SPARTAN & RAJA WELLNESS GROUP is headquartered in Canada and a large multinational enterprise, specializing in investment and operation of sports and leisure industry. As the first foreign groups to enter China domestic fitness industry, after the Group entering China market for five years, which has rapid development, owns a strong brand (Spartan Fitness, the Luojia yoga, Spartan KIDS, swimming Yi Swimming Club), and 12 direct clubs which has over ten thousand membership members, is currently the largest foreign investment in Shanghai fitness brand
        Spartan Fitness was established in 2003, is one of the biggest chain high-end fitness centers; also the only one family-oriented fitness brand in China. 2009 was named the top club of the best reputation. Professional coaches team, people-oriented, high-quality services, as well as the top fitness equipment as the achievement of the Spartan Fitness brand value! We have a vigorous professional, knowledgeable, younger team, all coaches have national or international recognized professional certificate, whereas many of them in the contests of international and domestic obtaining great achievements.
        On the basis of the original traditional fitness programs, the introduction of the new concept of foreign sports, to provide health for you and your family life, intimate home a one-stop service and careful training courses. Each member of your family, through a common way of life ---- “Fitness” enhances to communicate in order to achieve mutual respect, sharing, and family happiness, understanding, relaxed, warm space who can enjoy the healthy fun, mind each other; Spartan is the club suitable for your family to exercise altogether.
        Our target customers group is upper middle-class in the city, with a stable career and a well-off family economic base, received higher education, has a good cultural literacy, it should be said to be tailored for the social elite club.

        For the coming three years, we, SPARTAN & RAJA China will set up different types of sports clubs for expansion to 30, and provide services for over 100,000 memberships.