2012ChinaFit健身大会管理导师—Theo Hendriks

06月28日  |  阅读 4382



         Theo Hendriks现如今是“体育休闲社团(SLG)”的CEO,主要负责策划、启动和运营项目,发展统一的企业文化。


     Theo Hendriks获得过IHRSA2009年“欧洲体育休闲俱乐部领袖”殊荣。



 Theo Hendriks is ceo of the Sports and Leisure Group (SLG). This is an innovative company that wants to offer a competitive ‘made to measure product’ for the operation of sports centres and multi functional leisure centres. SLG translates developments and trends in sports and leisure into tangible products by means of a unique combination of the operation of centres and consultancy.

The Sports and Leisure Group has developed contemporary brands for two chains of 15 sports and leisure centres.  Capital Sports and Family Fitness. Capital Sports represents main sports, first class, and is mostly situated in a capital (city). The smaller, specialised centres that do not (yet) meet the requirements for multifunctional sports centres carry the name Family Fitness. A few years ago he joined 3 partners introducing a new brand: Basic Fit. It represents 31 budget fitness centres. This chain has been sold in 2010 to a private equity fund.
At this moment the Sports and Leisure Group is a leading company in the operation of fifteen sports and leisure centres in the Netherlands.

Theo Hendriks is now C.E.O. of the Sports and Leisure Group and is responsible for ‘Strategy, Build and operate’ projects, Development of (all in one) membership concepts, General management and Operation.
Hendriks was the first operator in Holland who developed integrated multifunctional sports and leisure centers in the Netherlands, starting with commercializing municipal swimming pools. He added fitness, catering, sauna and sun beds to the concept, combining the reception area for all the offered services. With this combination, the members were given more flexibility and choice and less fragmentation. That was not enough; horizontal programming of the offered services and a corporate customer approach was developed : for instance organizing swimming lessons at a time preferred by parents instead of by the staff, preferably without it amounting to more staff costs. And, causing surprise whenever mentioned in an international setting, the saunas are still being visited by mixed sexes, without clothes. The commercial effect for this complete  integrated concept was within 2 years time a 25% better result, with 20% more visitors than expected.

In 2008 he announced a new concept called ‘Live and Leisure’. In combination with renting or purchasing an apartment, residents get a membership of an eminent fitness and health club. This concept consists of living, partaking in sports and other social leisure activities, including a society, a shop, and so on, all brought together under one roof. A meeting point for the residents of the apartments, but the activities are also open to other inhabitants in the environment of the sport centre.

He is very experienced in the management and operation of in and outdoor sports and leisure accommodation in the public and the private sector. From 1992 till 1996 he was manager of big municipal sports centres with large leisure pools in the city of Utrecht.  He also supervised large-scale denationalization and ‘develop build and operate’ projects.

In the Netherlands and Europe, and also for IHRSA, Hendriks is known as a prominent (interim) manager, course instructor, guest speaker and coach.

Theo is member from the European Council from IHRSA.

Theo Hendriks has received the IHRSA European Club Leadership 2009 Award.

